"Somehow you come along just like a flower pokin' through the sidewalk crack,
and just like that you steal away the rain."
--Uncle Kracker--

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Art

I LOVE Pinterest! I find so many neat ideas on there, and decided last night to look for some art ideas for the kids at work. Since we have infants in our room, most of their art projects have something to do with handprints or footprints. Found a pin on Pinterest of a footprint robin for spring art, and we made them with the kids today. Love how they turned out...they're just adorable! Attached is a picture of one of the projects completed today. :-)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Good News for Thirsty People"

On my break the past couple of days, I've been going out to my car, opening the sunroof, and reading a book entitled "Having a Mary Spirit", referencing Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus). I just want to share a few excerpts from my reading...

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again," Jesus told her (the woman at the well), but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in hm a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:13-14).

Jesus makes the same offer to you and me today. If you're thirsty, if you can't seem to satisfy that longing in your soul..."Come to Me and drink," He says. If you've tried the well of religion and gone away empty, if you've looked to relationships for meaning but need something more..."Come to Me and drink."

...we weren't created to be mud puddles for Jesus - or clogged, filthy wells. We were meant to be rushing rivers, pouring out His love and mercy to everyone around us. We were meant to be conduits of living water, the sweet and refreshing flow of the Holy Spirit coming in and flowing through and out of our lives.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shower Head

Got vice grips from Dad, and our new, free shower head is installed! Check out the difference in size and style! :-)

I'm Back!...Again

Wow, it has been a LOOOONG time since I've been on here and posted anything at all! I'm certain tons has happened in my life since my last post, and there is no possible way I will remember it all, so let's just look at where we are now. :-) Jared and I have been married for almost a year and a half now, I am a teacher in the Infant B classroom at Children of America, and Jared works for Nik's Auto Parts...we both enjoy our jobs :-) We recently spent every spare moment we had for two weeks replacing the transmission in Jared's car...hard, long work, but we learned a lot! We are going through watching The Mentalist...we love it! I have a slight passion for....er, obsession with Starbucks...anyway...

I hope to keep up with this now, post what I'm learning from God, what's happening in our lives, etc...