"Somehow you come along just like a flower pokin' through the sidewalk crack,
and just like that you steal away the rain."
--Uncle Kracker--

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Giving Thanks Challenge

I just got finished watching "Miracle on 24th Street" with Jared and his mom - I LOVE that movie! Jared went and picked each of us up a surprise - Coke and almond mms and strawberry preserves for me, Dove chocolaltes for mom, and a couple things for himself :-) Earlier I picked up make-up - wedding is a week from today and I was running out of almost everything! I decided to try some new stuff...BAD idea :-( Anyway, I stopped at Wal Mart and got my normal stuff. I just tried to call home and talk to my mom and dad, but didn't get through, so I left a message. That's pretty much my day so far! So I just sat down and was talking to Jared and gasped, "I haven't done my thankfulness thing yet!" He said, "You better hurry, it's 9:11" My reply, 9:11? Really? That's kinda funny (meaning interesting, not actually funny - haha, funny). He said, "Maybe you should us that, like thankful for our freedom or something. At first I brushed off the idea as cute, but the thing is....9:11 on the clock or as the date always reminds me of that day in 2001. I doubt I'll ever forget it. Today I'm thankful for our freedom and hope we never lose it.

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