"Somehow you come along just like a flower pokin' through the sidewalk crack,
and just like that you steal away the rain."
--Uncle Kracker--

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks Challenge

Today I am thankful for my/our new bed. Jared's parents bought us our mattress and box spring set and some of the money from his Nana and Papa got us our bed frame. Jared's dad and a man from church (Terry Girts) went and picked up the bed stuff yesterday and dropped it off at my apartment. When I got home from work last night, I was DYING to set it all up. We also have a gorgeous comforter set (just the one we wanted!) that was a shower gift from a friend from church (Melissa Slayton). So...after about 45 minutes of very difficult labor, I was able to put together the bed frame (without breaking any nails! - I thought I was going to a few times), and unwrap the box spring and mattress from their plastic wrapping. I then drug them into the bedroom and got them (they're queen-sized) onto the bed frame and then put on the new sheets (400 ct. from Nana and Papa for our shower gift) and the comforter set. It looks amazing! I can't wait to jump in bed on Saturday night! :-D

I've attached a few pictures (sorry for the quality, they're from my webcam).

Ignore the horrible "nightstand/dresser" - Hopefully we'll be getting some real stuff soon!

I love the "pretty pillows" - I'm dying to get some Euro pillows so I can use the shams that came with the set. Once we get our sleeping pillows I'll probably use the shams with them when I make the bed, just so it can be pretty. I'm sure that'll wear off after about a week!

It's so BIG!

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